Saturday, November 26, 2005

Let it snow...

I love snow days! Apparently when the snow is too much for cars to drive on they call it a "snow day." I just learned about it and here's how it works. It starts out with Mama and Daddy the night before looking out the window a lot and checking with "the weather man". He lives in a box in our living room and draws neat moving pictures. I don't usually understand what he's saying but he uses fun words like Doppler and weather track 5000. Then Mama and Daddy go to bed and they bring the phone with them I wonder if it's like a teddy bear for them or something-- strange though, it's not soft like my Lammy. In the morning when we usually wake up and everyone starts running around getting ready to leave the house, but on these days we watch the box in the living room for the weather man again. I think the box he lives in must be called the "storm center" because they keep calling it that. Anyways, then the phone rings and somebody talks to my Dad. He does a little dance in his PJ's and then yells to Mom that school is cancelled. That's when Mom sticks her tongue out at Dad and gets ready for work--- it must be a game they play.

The cool thing about a "snow day" is that I don't go to day care, I stay home with Dad and make a "snow man." I thought it was fun to dress him up but he was pretty boring to talk to, him didn't say anything at all. It was neat how he seemed to pop-up right out of the ground though. Then we go back inside, after I help Daddy shovel, and have hot chocolate. Yum!

Thursday, November 24, 2005


For Thanksgiving, Mom, Dad and I went up to see Grandad, Gramma and Nanna and Grandpa Joe. They are lots of fun. I didn't know what Thanksgiving is about but Dad says it's when you say "thank-you" for stuff that you have and stuff that you like. Well, since I can say "thank you" yet-- "th" is really hard for me to say-- I decided I'd show people what I was thankful for. First I showed people I was thankful for my cart toy that I pushed around Gramma's living room all day. Then I thought I should let people know that I was thankful for them so I started pushing my cart into them. They made all kinds of funny noises and jumped in the air a lot so I knew they appreciated me doing it. Then I decided to show how thankful I was for Gramma's chocolate pie so I decided to cover everything I could with it. Mmmm that was a great Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

So I guess that when a person is around for 365 days they call that a "birthday." I don't know why 'cause I've already been born but OK.

There are lots of cool things that happen for a birthday. The first cool thing is that all kinds of your friends and family come over to see you all at once! I had my friends Tucker and Alex to play with and my friend Riley came over in the morning! It was SO much fun to play with the big kids. Nana and Gramma were here and my Meme and my Grampy, also my Uncle J-sun, Aunt Liz, Uncle Matt and his new friend Jessica (she seems very nice). Then a BUNCH of my Mom & Dad's friends were there too. There were just TOO MANY people to count.

The next thing I like about birthdays is the food. I got to eat lot of things and I even had a special cake made for me. Ron and Jan brought it and it was a xylophone! It had donuts for wheels and sugared marshmallows for mallets and licorice for a pull string. That's cool because I like xylophones. Which reminds me of the last reason I like birthdays...

PRESENTS!!! I couldn't believe how many gifts people brought me. I got clothes and toys and puzzles and dolls and music and instruments and books and SO MANY things! I just can wait to play with them all! I just want to thank everyone for all of the wonderful presents and making my first year great. I couldn't have done it without you.